
The seafood segment focuses on various types of seafood, including but not limited to fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish, etc., and also covers seafood processing technology, cold chain logistics, food safety testing and other upstream and downstream technology and services.

In 2023, China's output of seawater products reached 35,853,200 tonnes, a year-on-year increase of 3.64%. Shenzhen, as an important city in South China, is endowed with unique marine resources and well-developed marine industries. The Shenzhen Municipal Government is committed to promoting the high-quality development of the marine economy and has introduced a series of policies to accelerate the construction of a competitive global marine central city. According to relevant data, the scale of Shenzhen's marine economy industry accounts for about 10% of the GDP of the marine production industry in 2019 and will grow at a rate of 30.9% in the first half of 2021.

B-Side Segmentation Channels in the Aquatic Industry

The B-side of the aquatic industry has huge demand, more concentrated channels and relatively high customer stickiness. Aquatic wholesale market based on cost, freshness advantage, its product power, channel services become the key to maintain the stickiness. Chain restaurants and large supermarket chains test integrated services and scale production capacity, have a high demand for semi-finished products and the demand for product customization. B-side further reduce costs, conducive to occupy a larger market share.

C-Side Segmentation Channels in the Aquatic Industry

In recent years, aquatic enterprises have actively strengthened C-side market penetration and expanded the influence of brands in the C-side consumer group. Products for the C-side are usually in small packages, and compared with the B-side, the C-side publicity effect is more critical, and the gross profit margin is generally higher. Enterprises should build their competitive advantages in terms of products, supply chain and channels.

*Reference:《2023年全国渔业经济统计公报》《粤港澳大湾区海产品交易中心开业 助推珠海海洋经济高质量发展》《中国海洋经济产业深度调研与投资战略分析报告》《2023-2024年中国水产行业现状及消费趋势洞察报告》